Friday, December 26, 2008

Success stories Govind Jaiswal and many more ....... still prove that its not that only centuries ago underprivileged people (Abraham Linkan , Lal Bahadur Shastri...........) achieved something ......but it comes a Rickshawalas' son in Banaraas becomes I.A.S Officer.........that too in top 50.......youngesters, specially those who come from poor background (socially and economically) should learn from Govind jaiswal that how dreams are made true.............

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

civil services still have craze

It's a well known fact that the private sector with the emergence of liberalisatuon and globlaisation has gained importance in india after late nineties. generalisation of a perception is that increased importance of privatisation and privilliges and life style associated with it has attracted the youth to a greater length, however its a matter of fact that todays youth is still in position to make a difference between beakon fitted ambessador car and mercedeze........