Saturday, July 30, 2011

India: Mapping economics on the globe.................

IMF training was a great experience, got to learn how African and Asian economies are struggling to come out of the trap of poverty.....and slow down........ The meticulously designed policies ...need to be revisited. I would dare to say that Indian economists have lot of stuff to tap the hidden potential accross the Globe, which has remarkably been successful during the meltdown accross the Globe. The insulated or less affected "Indian Paradise" needs no further justifications. Look at the the U.S today...." This is obvious to happen to a "Credit Card Economy", which operates on virtual income, which perhapes may or may not be anticipated in real terms. U.S has lot to learn from economies like India so called super power could not manage its overshooting Debt to GDP ratio which is 2.7 while this value for india is 0.85. I would say we indians earn and save for our children , and the "Elite Americans" spend today , anticipating that the same would be repayed by their children , anticipating a good income in future.So now you can make a hunch that every reach indian accumulates wealth for its ...poor today would be less rich poorer today would be poor tomorrow......But in the U.S...this theory would go otherwise...We Indians should be proud of being so concious obout our future. Anyways, it would continue like this, i am glad to see the concern of my Kenyan friend "Peter Chacha Wankuru"...about his country....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The nudge.............

I was(in black suit) there for inspection of physical and financial progress of JNNURM project....i inspected some slum housing projects and in fact suggested some change in the architectural design which can accomodate a family of size 5 comfortably..............was also the Chairman of the selection committe for the interview held at Sangli Municipal Corporation................i feel that we need lot of capacity ...........enhancement for our ULBs to develope at a considerable pace............

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Changing Paradigms in Government..................

Had i not been the part of the government system , i would have also critisized the government for being irresponsible, unaccountable , insensitive and any dam thing...............But being a part of the government when i was sitting in the conference organised by cabinet secretariat.......the top most venue without whose consent, no important decesion in government takes a final shape... As a common citizen u would be happy to know that now a days government also has targets, achievements and ranking parameters. I am happy to tell you that even in government there has started a spirit of competetiveness..........accross the ministries, accross the PSUs. This is true..........On 22Feb, 2011, Vigyan Bhawan ,was full of senior bureacrats in the Government of India (Except a few young children in government like me , as i am three year old baby in government )and CEOs of PSUs . I would appreciate here the role of three key figures who have been able to bring about this unbeleivable change.....Yes..... a World Bank economist Dr. Prajapati Trivedi, who is currently Secretary(PMD), GoI, Arun Maira , Member Planning Commission and of course the top most bureacrat in the country..K.M.Chandrashekhar, Cabinet please do not criticise the system dear citizen, your government is far more responsible, accountable and senstitive about its stakeholders..............................

Friday, August 7, 2009

Academicians Vs. Bureacrats

its always a matter of debate that whether academecians ,with their vast knowledge and in depth bookish research are better than the bureacrates who , with a quite a considerable length of knowledge have exposure to feild ............where they actually learn, corrective,......remedial and..........preventive measures to restore or resume the operation of the day to day life of the common masses........right from.........lal garh to los angeles...................Debatable.........................????

Friday, December 26, 2008

Success stories Govind Jaiswal and many more ....... still prove that its not that only centuries ago underprivileged people (Abraham Linkan , Lal Bahadur Shastri...........) achieved something ......but it comes a Rickshawalas' son in Banaraas becomes I.A.S Officer.........that too in top 50.......youngesters, specially those who come from poor background (socially and economically) should learn from Govind jaiswal that how dreams are made true.............

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

civil services still have craze

It's a well known fact that the private sector with the emergence of liberalisatuon and globlaisation has gained importance in india after late nineties. generalisation of a perception is that increased importance of privatisation and privilliges and life style associated with it has attracted the youth to a greater length, however its a matter of fact that todays youth is still in position to make a difference between beakon fitted ambessador car and mercedeze........